Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun Extras

There are actually three workshops that make up the NASC Summer Leadership Workshop experience.  First is JAMshop, which stands for Junior High And Middle school workshop.  It is for students entering grades 6-8.  Next is SLW, which stands for Senior High Leadership Workshop.  Finally, there is ALW, which stands for Advanced Leadership Workshop.  ALW is restricted to seniors who have previously attended SLW.  All three are unique and amazing.

As a delegate, I attended SLW for all four years of high school.  I can honestly say that my experience at Workshop changed my life and I wouldn't be who I am today without having attended.  I am privileged to now be on the NASC Volunteer Staff and have the chance to give that same experience to today's youth.  My first five years on Staff, I worked with the SLW students.  I loved it there.  This year, however, I was persuaded to work with JAM, which was fine because I love working with middle school kids.  Obviously.

The biggest difference between JAM and SLW or ALW is that JAM has more time for "fun extras" built into our daily agenda.  We know that middle school kids need movement and can't spend as much time focused on learning as can the older students.

Fun extras include things like a morning game of "Ships and Sailors..."
Four Men Eating
Captain's Coming
Five Men Pointing
Beached Whale
Four Men Eating... again!
Man Overboard

We also played flag football as part of a skill session on sportsmanship...

Other "fun extras" happened when I didn't have my camera with me.  They included things like playing with marshmallow launchers, having a game night, and playing mafia or ninja.

The kids loved all of these activities, and as a staff, it was fun for us to get to play with them and to better get to know them.

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