Monday, January 17, 2011

Pizza and Partini

My friends are simply the best.  On Saturday night, the Cownies invited us over for a make-your-own pizza dinner and an evening of playing games.  That combination is my ideal weekend night.  Also, the rule was that you had to wear sweatpants.  I am a big fan of not getting all done up.

So, we started with setting up the make-your-own pizza bar.

Steph prepared the crusts.  And by prepared, I mean took the Trader Joe's pre-made dough out of the package and rolled it out.

Tricia cut up a pepper:

We put all the ingredients on the table and got to work!

Amber had the brilliant idea to add cream cheese to the pizza.

She wasn't so amused by how much hamburger Adam put on his pizza.

I'm not sure what this face means, but I think he was enjoying the pizza.

After dinner, Amber took a bite out of a jumbo-sized Reeces Peanut Butter Cup.

After dinner, the ladies drove to Trader Joe's because Steph had never been there.  When we got back, this was happening:

X-Box kinect is this crazy new invention that allows you to play video games with no remote control.  Here, Steph and Adam are boxing:

Guess who won!  Hint:  It wasn't Adam.

Next, Amber and Chuck entered the ring:

Any guesses as to who won this one?  Hint:  It wasn't Chuck.

Finally, Shawn and Laci arrived.  I don't think they have appeared on the blog before.  Readers, meet Shawn and Laci:

We met Laci in one of our graduate classes and have been friends ever since.  A fun fact about Laci is that she is currently growing a baby inside of her!

Once they arrived, we decided to play this game:

I bought it for Amber for her bachelorette party, which was a game night.  It is way fun!

 Here, the boys' team (plus Steph) is trying to guess the songs that Shawn is humming:

There is also a ball and cup challenge as part of the game:

Steph struggled to keep a straight face while she tried to hum a song:

It was quite amusing to watch:

Laci made this amazing "gooey mix."  It was not a good night for my diet.

Tricia did a great job sculpting things out of clay:

Adam doing charades:

Steph about died with Adam's response to the "I am..." prompt (written about me):

This was his answer:

Another ball and cup challenge:

At the end of the night, this is what defeat looked like:
This was such a fun night!  My only regret is eating too much of that gooey mix.  It was most definitely not Slim-Fast approved.

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